day -15, and already one week spent in La Rochelle
Action left definitively England the 25th of August.
For this last delivery, Hervé was accompanied
by Tatou and Barthélémy
did not forgot to wear their caps!) They encountered
really good conditions, no rain and dolphins visits.
The passage of the Chenal du Four and le Raz de
Sein was done under spinnaker and the last 200 miles
were sailed upwind but on a direct course. After
four and a half days, they reached La Rochelle and
some real toilets (this was the first time that
Tatou and Barthélémy had to use the
bucket !)
then quickly came back to London with the TGV to
join Muriel, Robin and Julie who were saying goodbye
to the removal truck. They will get their stuff
back in Bermuda in 4 months time. After a last crossing
of the Channel (by ferry this time) they arrived
in La Rochelle on Saturday.
small flat of la Rochelle is superbely located.
Facing south (for Muriel) and in front of Fort Boyard
(the fort were the start of the Mini-Transat will
take place). Like that, every time that Hervé
looks trough the window, he imagines himself taking
the best start. A little bit stressing but really
there is a lot of things on the "to do"
list. What must I mend, how many batteries will
I need, which medicines must I buy (32 are still
missing !). And Hervé had to go up the mast
to do some repairs and fix the new VHF (the last
news is that he will now need to dismast), replace
the old compasses, buy the dehydrated food...