29 .5.2001: Hervé finally arrived at home
took finally 3,5 days for Hervé to complete the second
leg of the Mini-Pavois from Portsmouth to Saint-Quay-Portrieux,
at an amazing slow average speed of 2,5 knots per hour. This was
certainly a good training for the doldrums.
to compare with the 26 hours that Hervé took to cross the
Channel from Portsmouth to St-Malo with Barthelemy and Pascal
at Easter, on almost the same course!
big difficulty of this leg with such weather conditions was the
very strong currents and the tidal gates along the English coast.
The tide was so strong that the competitors had to anchor several
times with 40 meters depth, in order to avoid being drifted back.
There were also the shipping lanes to cross and the thick fog
where one could not see more than 10 meters in front of the bow.
ice on the cake was the rule set by the race organisers that a
boat needed to finish 12 hours after the first one in order to
get classified. Only 13 out of 64 managed to finish within this
time limit, leaving the final ranking of the series with only
2 competitors! Hervé was unfortunately not one of this
lucky two! However, with adding the two legs, Hervé would
have finished 13th out of 29 at the start.
Hervé missed his plane on Monday afternoon and had to take
the ferry from St-Malo to Portsmouth where all his little family
was expecting him with fervent enthousiasm.
details will follows this week when Hervé will give us
his impressions of the race.