Hervé Favre website for the 2001 mini-transat




2nd day of the race for the Mini-Pavois:

It was the 2nd day of the race for the competitors of the Mini-Pavois. From the news taken on the website sail-online Sunday afternoon, the Minis were sailing between la Chaussee de Sein and Ouessant

.The competitors will now cross the Channel against the wind and have to reach Eddystone ligthouse in front of Plymouth. Then, they will head east towards and leave the Isle of Wight port side reaching Portsmouth, the final stage of this leg. An aera that Hervé knows well because he sailed here for the past two years.

Hervé was yesterday ranked 22nd out of 29 at Belle-Ile. And today he reached 10th place. Brilliant! We hope that he will keep going like that. However, because the wind are so ligth it meens that he cannot use his autopilot a lot and therefore can't rest.

We also note that two boats have unfortunately abandonned, the first one having hit a fishingboat and the second one due to electrical problems (boat n°138 and 661)

The race comitee could only give the exact position of the first 12 boats of each category. Therefore, for the British, I can only say that Paul Peggs in the proto category is in 10th place.

I will be back monday evening with the last news.