October 14th
of the 60 boats presents in La Rochelle took the start
on Thursday in Lanzarote, and 3 others courageos late
minis joined them soon after.Altogether,
54 boats where in the race but it seem that today
2 skippers already gave up because of broken pilots
(Amrel Tripond and Eric Vassard).The
skippers already encountered all sort of wind conditions,
exept regular wind.
was Hervé's strategy for this second leg?
strategy for Herve is simple: he must go full speed due
South in going a little bit West when the conditions allow
him to do so. The trade wind should allow him to reach quickly
under spinnaker the Cap Verdi Island before facing the biggest
difficulties of this leg: the horses latitude.
Once he has found the good way through this zone between
the North Atlantic and those from the South Atlantic, he
would have to head towards Salvador with reaching conditions
and certainly under geenaker. The strategy then seem dead
easy but the essential point would be clearly where to cross
this bloody ITZC zone (Inter tropical zone
As Herve does not know the position of the other competitors,
he will not be able to play a tactical race. He would have
to keep along the 4 weeks that will last this second leg
his full motivation to make the boat go as far as possible.
In particular he should not get discourage if suddenly he
has no wind during one day and he should not think that
he is the only one in this case. A lot of competitors have
got problems to motivate themselves if they dont see
other boats and if they dont know what is their ranking.
This is at this occasion that Herve hopes to have a little
edge on his competitors due to his long experience at high
level when he was cross-country skying. It is important
to know that in order to be performant on a long run. It
is interesting to know that Herve did his best results during
the collecting races on the longest single handed race (10th
of the first leg of the mini-Pavois which lasted 5 days).
The longer it is, the better Herve should be at ease. This
leg will then be very much psychological and Herve prepare
himself by relaxation and sophrology. Relaxed, he can then
imagine himself all along this leg which should allow him
to stand better the moments when he would be becalmed.